Eco Africa is a TV magazine show dedicated to highlight solutions to small and large environmental issues.
TV Stories
Since summer 2020, Corona PCR tests have been available in Austrian drugstores. They will also soon be available in supermarkets. “Officially approved” it says on the package. But is that true? We checked for facts.
No one knows how this year’s winter tourism will look like. But how to protect the guests who want to come? There is no patent remedy for this. Every ski resort deals with it a little differently. The final consequence would be the same for all of them: closing them […]
A Styrian farmer wants to bring back the huge variety of apples and pears that used to be found in Austria's fruit gardens. A contribution to biodiversity.
In the summer of 2020, more than 20 cases have been documented where orcas attacked sailing boats. Marine researchers claim to have found an explanation for this.
The EU has launched a survey on whether the one and two cent coins should be abolished. The 500-euro note has also already been abolished. Some therefore fear that cash could disappear completely in the euro area in the long run. But that seems rather unrealistic.
During Austria’s lockdown in March and April this year, taxi rides – quite obviously -decreased dramatically. Branch representatives in Salzburg and elsewhere fear that this year’s financial loss cannot be compensated anymore.
Registration numbers show that the demand for motorcycles has increased during the corona crisis. In the Gesäuse National Park, local residents are now complaining that too many and too loud motorbikes are passing through. Elsewhere in Austria there are already bans on too loud two-wheelers. Aired on 22 September 2020 […]